John Clowes was returned once the an excellent Councillor toward Nelson Ward as opposed to resistance rather than Mr

John Clowes was returned once the an excellent Councillor toward Nelson Ward as opposed to resistance rather than Mr

A combat got occurred into the North Denes anywhere between Plumb (out-of Bungay) and you may Swash (out of Yarmouth) getting ?ten an area

April 17th.-Regarding 3,000 in order to 4,000 people got observed new launch of new “Froderica,” regarding 600 tons burthen, of Mr. Branford’s lawn.

The sum of the ?137 is built-up on Consecration Characteristics at the St. John’s Church. The fresh new Communion plate and stone pulpit within church had been paid for throughout the continues due to this new marketing of the 2nd version of the “Story regarding John Brock.”

p was indeed below cures within Naval Healthcare. The brand new officers responsible was Head Jervois, Commandant; Captain Naylor, Pay-master; Staff-Doctors, Bradford and you may Joy, and you can Mr. Rippon, Purveyor.

Will get 15th.-Disturbances had happened between a few of the Fermanagh Military and you can townsmen within Southtown guatemalan kvinner for dating, in addition to run of your own Gran was impugned regarding his need to repress new statement on the, whenever Mr. de Caux vindicated the newest reports sent from the him towards hit the guy depicted.

Could possibly get 22nd.-This new mackerel fleet (in the 100 cruise) were many of from the water, and rates had varied of 35s. to help you 45s. each hundred.

Summer 16th.-Sir Henry Stracey, an applicant on the chair hence bare, got came across the latest Old-fashioned electors within Angel-resorts, when Mr. E. H. L. Preston filled the settee. ”

June 19th.-New Liberals got fulfilled at the Superstar Resort, Mr. B. Dowson regarding the chair, whenever an answer taking brand new Hon. Wenman Clarence Walpole Coke given that candidate throughout the Whig focus was actually accompanied.

June 26th.-Mr. Falcke (a gentleman whose father earlier lived-in the town) had provided subscriptions on Medical and also the Ragged and Uk Schools.

It was stated that “Sir Henry are your favourite for the Yarmouth regarding appeal the guy has brought in all that makes reference to the interest of one’s town

June 30th.-On State election, Mr. Elizabeth. Fellowes, Yards.P., proposed, and you can Colonel Fitzroy seconded Sir H. J. Stracey, Bart., and you will Mr. Bulwer recommended, and you may Mr. Upcher seconded the newest Hon. Wenman C. W. Coke; the reveal out-of give was a student in go for off Sir H. J. Stracey, whereupon Mr. Bulwer required a poll on behalf of the Hon. Mr. Coke.

July seventeenth.-Britannia Dock was actually started. New Gran attended towards the “civic regulators;” into the his arrival a few rockets was let off and you may cannon was basically released. From the “dejeuner” subsequently kept, C. C. Aldred and you will C. Cory, Esqs., presided at dining tables, experienced by the D. An effective. Gourlay, and you can G. B. Palmer, Esqs.

July twenty-first.-A beneficial Provincial Grand Lodge out-of Norfolk Freemasons is held at the the new Priory Hallway, and that 150 brethren attended. Then a meal happened in the Area Hallway, when P.G.Meters. Uncle. B. Bond Cabbell presided, Bros. Sir H. J. Stracey and you may C. H. Chamberlin occupying the vice-chairs.

July 31st.-At the Regatta, which had been kept throughout the Wellington Pier,-umpires, Lieut.-Col. Beckham and you may Mr. Meters. Butcher; hon. assistant, Mr. Henry R. Harmer;-in the first boat competition the new “Violet” (J. Age. Kirby) beat the latest “Aretion” (J. Goodson, Esq.), while the “Gold Star” (- Mann, Esq.). The second yawls competed since significantly less than:-

Within the next battle (having brief yachts) brand new “Kestrel” (W. Butcher) overcome the fresh “Belvidere” (T. Read), “Isabella” (O. Diver), “Rover” (T. Palmer), and you will “Gipsy Queen” (Harcourt); there were many other events. On this occasion 1,700 people visited this new Wellington Pier, upwards of ?forty was removed on doors, plus it is calculated you to particular 12,000 individuals were for the Beach; step 3,000 persons visited this new Victoria Landscapes, in which “Sam Collins” performed, and Mr. Coe encountered the management of the screen out-of fireworks.

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