They state, “In the event the Russia stops assaulting, the war stops

They state, “In the event the Russia stops assaulting, the war stops

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In the event that Ukraine ends fighting, Ukraine ends.” We are going to not let that happens. Thank you for help united states for the unnecessary ways towards making sure Ukraine will continue to rating all the help it needs.

Become confronted more often than once that have the battle features ravaged Ukraine and also the people who have over just what someone else only talk about to guard and uphold their democracy and you will freedom, can be disastrous. However, because of your own breathtaking compassion and you will generosity, Razom could have been in a position to started to more folks than simply we ever dreamed and you will solidify our community to with pride support Ukraine today and going forward.

Inside 2022, more than 175,000 donors managed to get possible for me to deploy more $62 million toward our mission to store resides in Ukraine and meet with the vibrant and important demands regarding Ukrainians because they keep to withstand russian forces.

The brand new passionate outpouring out-of support away from anyone as you created a enormous chance for all of our software. To experience a effect, we’ve concentrated our very own perform for the following four important regions of service:

During the every one of these four kinds, in addition to Razom professionals, volunteers and you can our very own partners, we have been able to enjoys astounding effect on the new lifestyle off Ukrainians from the walks of life.

If the world must listen to the real truth about russia’s measures and you may violence, Razom Advocacy will there be. In 2022 all of us arranged more 525 conferences having congressional offices to inquire of to own critical service to possess Ukraine, co-created the latest Western Coalition for Ukraine (ACU) uniting 57 varied communities and you will constituents away from the 50 states, and you can kept an inaugural Ukraine Step Seminar for the Washington, D.C. a travel-inside the enjoy with more than 250 constituents throughout the nation participating.

In the 1st quarter of 2023, Razom Advocacy co-planned one minute Ukraine Step Meeting one longer to over 300 advocates regarding 34 says, and you can brought to one another 62 groups symbolizing the newest ACU. It was 3 days into the Washington D. All told, the newest supporters met with that-third of organizations inside Congress. Look for more info on they into the all of our webpages.

Outside the Seminar, we possess affirmed just before Congress, provided countless government briefings and you can meetings, drafted dozens of rules briefs, proposed statutes, and you may amplified plenty of Ukrainian sounds to guard bipartisan assistance to have Ukraine and improve expert-Ukraine policy that is aligned in order to U.S. national welfare. Do not forget to signup all of our advocates network to get the latest information out-of Razom Advocacy.

I have in addition to offered more than fourteen,000 radios as well as over dos,000 tablets to save Ukrainians connected for the front side lines

Whenever a defender into the a secluded community needs a tourniquet, Razom Heroes can there be. Into the 2022, the group deployed in-household purchase tracking software and you may a Ukraine-wide beginning program in which Razom vehicle operators simply take services directly to the newest sizzling hot zones, put over 500 many lifestyle-rescuing offers (as well as to get almost eight hundred,000 tourniquets), and manufactured and you may introduced nearly ninety,000 Private Medical Set and over dos,000 tactical scientific backpacks. We’ve got also delivered over dos,000 quadcopters having safer passage and you will evacuation, and sourced and you will maintained 69 autos for frontline medics to utilize since the first line evacuation. Inside the 2023, because battle goes on, therefore really does the fresh procurement and you will beginning of this type out of lives protecting services.

C. why not look here laden up with congressional conferences, advocacy studies, panel discussions, and you may network, also it are concerned about one content – Ukraine must victory

Between , Razom Fitness efficiently co-planned and you may coordinated four medical goal travel in order to Ukraine. Look for on for every single specific number of physicians and you will nurses one to journeyed here, and click above to watch a-deep diving for the just what it requires to bring a visit such as this to life and its particular perception.This type of class from Western-Canadian volunteers, 8 medical professionals, and you can cuatro nurses arrived in Ivano-Frankivsk into the February to perform thirty-five advanced surgeries for the Ukrainian armed forces and you will civilians the whenever you are providing education getting Ukrainian physicians to guarantee the impact of the really works becomes increased long after they log off. Considering the requiring era and complexity of your own operations, Razom’s team arranged the many logistical factors required to this new smooth running ones objectives, also covering traveling, apartments, day-after-day strategies, and purchasing requisite gizmos. There’s some great reporting that’s been over covering these vacation along with interview regarding the doctors whom moved to Ukraine while the Ukrainian lives that happen to be changed of the what they do.

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